Saturday, June 30, 2007

Making an attractive church website

When building a successful church website it is imperative to know the basic steps of online networking and design. A couple of basic questions that arise when planning church websites are:

1. Should you design the site yourself or pay a designer?

2. Will you write the content yourself?, pay a ghost writer or ask your church members to write for you?

To address the first question, you have to realize that if you are not a web designer you will most likely end up with a site you will not be very proud of.

The most important part of a website, is the header. The website header is the graphic you see at the top of every website. In order to create an attractive site header you have to use special design tools such as Adobe Photoshop which will let you manipulate images in order to create a unique an attractive graphic.

Your work doesn't end with the design of a site header. There are several other graphics that require proper design, a few of them are:

Navigation buttons: These are the graphics which define the most important parts of the website. The most popular among church websites are: Home, Site Map, Archives, Volunteers, Donations, Ministry, Church Forum, Blog, Announcements, About, Contact Us, etc.

Page animations: This special kind of graphic plays an important roll if you want to capture your members attention towards a specific page or content. This kind of graphics can be designed with Photoshop, Swish or a Macromedia flash application.

Banners: These are specially useful when you want to advertise your church site in other related church sites, content networks, emails, etc, in order to attract interested prospects.

Attractive CSS (Cascading Style Sheet): This part of the design is not done through an image design tool but through a code editing tool such as Dreamweaver. Cascading style sheets let you specify the size, color, position and the way your text is displayed, making your content more attractive to church members.

Now, to address the second question. There are several ways you can generate good and relevant content for your church website. The first step would be writing down and organizing your church activities. Write a description for each and every activity, collect pictures and show important announcements.

Another way to make your church site even more attractive and useful to members is to include a forum. This tool allows church members to create discussion threads, to communicate with each other and organize events. This is perhaps one of the most important features every church site must have. Forums give a real sense of community to a site.

Add real value to a church site by having useful zones in place, such as:

A Church Membership Application, which will expedite the process of becoming an active member
A Church Volunteer system, which helps the church get more activities done and be more productive.

Taking care of a church site design may seem complicated at first, but it really isn't if you have the right help. There are several companies out there which offer church site building services.


By: For more Information

Friday, June 1, 2007

What companies can do with a website?

Surprisingly, even in this era of technology, many people are unaware of a company's potential benefits of having a website. It does not matter what is the size of a company when it comes to having a website, which can help companies excel universally. This article will briefly discuss the endless possibilities of a company website.

If a company is specialized in producing certain goods, then having a website can be
immensely beneficial. Over the past few years, selling stuff over the internet has become extremely popular. Online shoppers are now interested in virtually everything. They not only buy expensive gadgets through the internet, but also tiny cheap ones if the price is right. One will be astonished to learn that these shoppers are millions in number and will be even more in the next few years. Even if a BOLAJI MEDIA WORKS & IT CONSULTANCY SERVICES and others' products over the internet, it can still make huge profit through commissions and service charges. Hence it should be crystal clear by now that a seller company can excel radically with the aid of a website.

Companies can also use their websites to impress potential customers and other parties. A suave website with a brief yet attractive company profile is sure to attract visitors who eventually begin to have a positive attitude towards the particular company. Using a highly functional website, a company can definitely edge out its competitors in the race of getting attention. Customers will obviously want to contact companies which have a professional looking website complete with every contact details. Furthermore, a website helps a company to showcase its experience and experienced workforce through a vivid online presentation at a minimum cost.

Companies can use website to give feedbacks efficiently and quickly. While manually giving feedback can be a slow and hectic process, online feedback is said to be very effective yet snappy. Previously, it was seen that customers are unhappy with a lot of companies as they were unable to give feedbacks on time. Furthermore, the quality of those feedbacks were said to be sub-standard most of the time. However, with the introduction of online feedbacks, complaints diminished significantly. A company can use the forums of a website to give these feedbacks in a nice manner.

Companies can give more attractive advertisements by using a website. It is possible because a potential customer is most likely to notice lucrative offers online rather than offline.

Companies can also be benefited financially by having a website. Small-scale companies can display tiny advertisements of other companies in their web page to make money. These advertisements are too small to notice, yet they have the capability to draw a lot of money for the website-owner company. A company can also place vital payment information in their website which will let the visitors know how to pay in case a transaction occurs. Some companies even offer the customers a very easy payment procedure through the website which is getting popular day by day.